
Music Service

Posted by web ninja

Are there a lot (too many?) music services available now? There are
so many flavors from subscription to download to stream to peer and
more. Here are some that I've tried and like.

Similar to Pandora, but you can directly search for album/artist/song
and build playlists. The great part is they have a huge database, but
there is some questions about their legal status

Founders of Skype take on stream/subscription services like Pandora
and Spotify. Not available yet.

Not in the US yet, but there is a lot of buzz around this service,
with premium and free versions

The Hype Machine
Just started using this today, but it basically pulls from blogs the
most talked about music and forms lists (or RSS feeds). Might be a
good way to get new sounds into the headphones.

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parvina said...

Wow thats really amazing I have heard a new app spotify premium android apk this app is great and I have started looking at it.Thanks for the help and suggesting the matter I will go forward with it.Keep publishing and writing new article.