
Palm Pre Part II

Posted by web ninja

After living with the phone for a month, I can say that overall I like it.  I have not done any scientific analysis of the iphone 3Gs versus the Pre, but the obvious comparison is the amount of apps.  The Pre has been out for almost 2 months and there are about 30 apps.  The variety and amount of apps in iTunes is just sick.  Also the 3Gs is faster, by a lot, maybe 50% or more in comparable actions like camera, google maps, messaging, browsing, yelping.

Pre Pros

  • small form is easy in the hand or pocket
  • keyboard and overall UI allow for one handed operation
  • card interface is intuitive and quick if you have all the apps you need open
  • gestures become automatic to the point where i kept wanting to slide to go back on the iPhone
  • synergy makes setup via google mail/calendar and exchange a breeze
Pre Cons
  • battery life blows, 1 day at most and if you leave it for 2 days without using it (over a weekend for example) it dies
  • no applications
  • slow for opening apps
  • either the internal antenna sucks or this firmware isn't properly using it*
  • synergy has no fine tuning so you can get duplicates and triplicates and quadicates of your contacts

For $99 (well in tax-loving Santa Monica $118) per month for all you can eat, I am happy with the features and service.  If the apps don't improve or multiply in the near future I would get the iPhone for the next round although I still hate iTunes.

Posted via email from web's posterous